Kimberlin Co.


A step-by-step guide for transforming an antique silver spoon into a beautiful and wearable piece of jewelry.

Having handcrafted thousands of spoon rings over the years, I've developed a deep appreciation for this timeless art form. As a result, I am thrilled to offer this class, which shares my knowledge and expertise with anyone who is curious about the process or interested in creating their own unique spoon ring. In this class, I will guide you through every step of the process, from start to finish, sharing the techniques and skills that I have honed over the years.


This class was designed for anyone who wants to explore the art of spoon ring making. It will provide a better appreciation for what goes into handcrafting a very comfortable spoon ring.


  • Equipment Checklist: Rundown of each tool used during the process.

  • Spoon Selection: Discussing common metal types used for spoon rings and tips on where I've had luck finding unique spoons in the past.

  • Initial Cleaning: Preparing the handle before it becomes a ring.

  • Bowl Removal: Removing the bowl of the spoon from the handle.

  • Handle Preparation: Grinding and shaping the handle to form a comfortable ring.


  • Bending & Sizing: You will learn the step-by-step process of bending and shaping the spoon handle into a ring, as well as techniques for accurately sizing the ring to fit comfortably on the wearer's finger. With these skills, you will be able to create custom-made rings that are both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to wear.


  • Cleaning & Polishing: Steps taken to clean each finished ring and final inspection before product photography for the shop.

  • Spoon Ring History: Where did spoon rings come from? Is there evidence of how far they date back and why?


Upon completion of this class, students will possess the necessary skills to craft an exquisite antique silver spoon ring. This unique piece of jewelry is not only a testament to their creativity and craftsmanship but is also built to endure the test of time, making it a cherished item for generations to come.


Simply the desire to know how a spoon ring is made. If you'd like to make one yourself, you'll want to find a silver spoon. Sterling silver is a softer metal to work with, but silver-plated flatware works great as well. I avoid stainless steel. Students don't necessarily need the equipment covered in this class or a silver spoon in hand to begin. Simply the desire to understand the complete makings of a spoon ring. Recommended equipment: antique silver spoon, 8-inch worship vise, scrap pieces of leather, bench grinder with grinding stone wheel & metal fiber wheel, rawhide mallet, ring mandrel, polishing cloth, silver polishing compound, a pair of safety gloves, bolt cutters, a pair of goggles and ear protection.


3 Video Lessons (originally developed for Skillshare)

300 Students

100% Positive Reviews

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Self-Paced Online Class